Yang Chenbo

Date: 2017-12-18 Views: ...

Title: Associate Professor

Office: 608,Student Activity Center

Fax: +86-0931-8911802

E-mail: yangcb@lzu.edu.cn



Aug. 2007-Jul. 2011, B. A. in International Politics, Tsinghua University;

Sep. 2011-Jul. 2013, M. Phil. in International Relations, China Foreign Affairs University;

Aug. 2013-Dec. 2016, Ph. D. in Government and Public Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Working Experience

Jan. 2017-Jan. 2019, Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University;

Apr. 2019-current, Associate Professor, Lanzhou University.

Teaching Courses

Undergraduate: Introduction to International Relations Theories (in Mandarin).


Papers and Monographs

Articles in Chinese:

YANG, Chenbo, “Social Network Analysis of International Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime,”World Economics and Politics, No. 6, 2015, pp. 81-101.

YANG, Chenbo, “Increased Outer Hostility or Reduced Inner Capability? A Mediation Analysis on State’s Foreign Use of Force Causing the Outbreak of Civil Conflict,”World Economics and Politics, No. 12, 2018, pp. 110-133.

YANG, Chenbo, “Internal Armed Conflicts in an Extraterritorial Context: A Strategic

Interaction Perspective,”Journal of International Security Studies, Vol. 37, No.1, 2019, pp. 89-114.

Articles in English:

WANG, Yu and YANG, Chenbo, “Elections and the Development of Ethnic Conflict: An Empirical Study of Sri Lanka,”Democracy and Security, online first, Aug. 2018,https://doi.org/10.1080/17419166.2018.1510777.


Research Area

International Security; Comparative Politics; Diffusion of Armed Civil Conflicts.


Jul. 2017- Jan. 2019, Shenzhen Overseas High-Caliber Personnel (Level-C)by Human Resources and Social Security Administration of Shenzhen Municipality.


Social Work

Reviewer of Quarterly Journal of International Politics (in Chinese) and Chinese Political Science Review (in English).

