Address: Lanzhou University,
222 South Tianshui Road, Lanzhou, Gansu, P.R.China
Education Background
Nankai University, Tianjin, China
PH.D, International Relations, 2014; M.A., International Relations, 2011
Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea
Exchange student, Political Science and Diplomacy, 2013
Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China
B. A, International Politics, 2009.
Research Interests
Substantive: Authority in International Relations; Transboundary River Dispute
Publications (In Chinese)
A.Journal Papers
1. “Rethinking the Peace Deficit”, Hongqi (Predecessor of Qiushi Journal), 2018 (11)
2. "Peace Deficit in the New Period: Power Interference, Regional Conflict and Terrorism", Hongqi (Predecessor of Qiushi Journal), 2017 (18)
3. "the American Election: Powerful Playground", " Hongqi (Predecessor of Qiushi Journal), 2016 (18), Encoded Li Jie, Yin Hanning editor:" Why Western-Style Democracy Is Not Suitable For China ", Beijing: Xuexi Press, 2017.
4. "Why Does Developing China Pay Foreign Aid?" Hongqi (Predecessor of Qiushi Journal), 2014 (16)
5. "Double Standard of Internet Management in the United States", Hongqi (Predecessor of Qiushi Journal), 2014 (2), reprinted in Qiushi Journal.
6. "Management of Labor Relations in Latin America and its Implications for China", Theory and Modernization, 2013 (4)
7. "The Historical Form of China-ROK Relations", in Zhu Guanglei, Nankai Politics Review (2011-2012), Tianjin: Nankai University Press, 2013
8. "Transnational Labor Movement in Mexico and the United States", Issues of Contemporary World Socialism, 2013 (2)
9. "The Role of Transnational Initiative Network", World Economy and Politics 2012 (7) (Co-author)
10. "The Hierarchical State of International Politics?" International Political Science, 2010 (1)
B. Books
1. America's Authority in the Asia-Pacific Region after World War II. Beijing: Social Sciences Literature Publishing House, 2018.
C.Translations (Books & Papers)
1. Randall L. Schweller, Maxwell's Demon and the Golden Apple: Global Discord in the New Millennium, Shanghai People's Publishing House, Forthcoming.
2. David a. Lake, Hierarchy in International Relations, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2013.
3. "The Development Space of Neoclassical Realism", in Chen Zhirui and Liu Feng, International System and Domestic Politics: Explorations of Neoclassical Realism, Peking University Press, 2015.
4. "Three-poles and the Second World War", in Chen Zhirui and Liu Feng, International System and Domestic Politics: Explorations of Neoclassical Realism, Peking University Press, 2015.
D. Participation in Compilation
1. Wang fan and Ling Shengli-editors-in-chief: China's Role, China's Major Diplomacy, World knowledge Press, October 2017.
Host Projects
2. Presiding Over the National Social Science Fund Youth Project: "China Northwest Transboundary River Dispute: History, Current Situation and Control", 2017-2020.